50 Ways to build World Peace: Take your share of responsibility for the world, Promote Unity, Talk about peace, Help those in need, Welcome a stranger, Mediate a conflict, Seek mutual understanding, Aim so everyone wins, Aid the starving, Participate, Be friendly with...
The Peace Imperative
The main prerequisite and condition for the fulfilment of the worlds many different potentials is peace. As democracy supports peaceful relations between states, economic prosperity and fuller development of people, peace makes possible the development of stable...
De Glenn Doman methode toegepast op latere leeftijd (27 jaar)
(VIDEO) De Glenn Doman methode toegepast op latere leeftijd (27 jaar) Een documentaire van de Belgische VRT1 over de Glenn Doman methode toegepast bij een man van 27. Het documentaire programma Koppen XL volgt een man van 27 uit Noorwegen. Hij heeft zwaar...
School Raghavan – computerles
Computerles Foto's door Robert gemaakt bij zijn bezoek in India | November 2003
School Raghavan – kruiples
Kruiples Foto's door Robert gemaakt bij zijn bezoek in India | November 2003
Bezoek India November 2003
Bezoek India November 2003 Foto's door Robert gemaakt bij zijn bezoek in India | November 2003[gallery columns="2" size="full"...
Bezoek India Januari 2003
Bezoek India Januari 2003 Foto's door Robert gemaakt bij zijn bezoek in India | Januari 2003[gallery columns="2" size="full"...
De bibliotheek
De bibliotheek
Computers in gebruik
Les met hulp van de computer
De school in gebruik
De school in gebruik De school in gebruik - deel 2 [gallery columns="2" size="full"...
De nieuwe Primrose school in aanbouw
De nieuwe Primrose school in aanbouw Het begint er al op te lijken [gallery size="full" columns="2"...
Glenn Doman – Leren van taal start direct na geboorte
Leren van taal start direct na geboorte 13.12.2011 BAARN - Baby's leren taal en grammatica al vanaf het moment dat zij geboren worden. Dat blijkt uit Amerikaans onderzoek. Onderzoekers van de University of Notre Dame kwamen tot de conclusie dat kinderen in hun eerste...
Resultaten Glenn Doman methode
Resultaten Glenn Doman methode Bekijk hieronder de resultaten die in 21 jaar door het instituut zijn bereikt: (bron: www.steunangelina.nl, www.iahp.org) The institutes for the achievement of human potential 12 years of reporting victories Major victories achieved by...
Voortgang bouw van de School
Voortgang bouw van de School
De eerste paal is geslagen op donderdag 9 april 2020
De eerste paal is geslagen op donderdag 9 april 2020 Een heuglijke dag! 🙂
Glenn Doman – Education without exams
Evaluation without exams by Aruna Raghavan In our schools we have no exams. And every one I meet asks the same questions. How do you mark your children? By percentage? By grades? Do you have unit tests? How do you average at the end of the year? And when I say we have...
Glenn Doman – Could your Child Be A Genius?
Could your Child Be A Genius? Een praktische uitleg in het engels over de methodiek en het handelen op de schoolprojecten. Alle methodes en oefeningen worden uitvoerig beschreven in de onderstaande 12 artikelen (geschreven door Aruna Raghavan, correspondent van de...
Glenn Doman – Leer-je-baby-lezen project
Leer-je-baby-lezen project Leer-je-baby-lezen project of Het Ware Kind project wil elk jaar 2 miljoen euro bij elkaar brengen om ieder kind dat in Nederland geboren wordt (164.000), een leren-lees-pakket te geven. Met het gratis leren-lees-pakket kan ieder kind samen...
Glenn Doman and Future Education
Future Education Download: Nieuwsbrief - januari 2019 | World University Consortium Deze nieuwsbrief bevat een verslag van de "3rd International Conference on Future Education-Latin America" gehouden op 12 t/m 14 november 2018. Met links naar videos van de sprekers....
World Peace Army – Wereld Vredesleger toelichting voor DDK-leden
2004 Beste collega DDK-leden (De Derde Kamer), Graag willen de indieners van het onderwerp Wereldvredesleger het de plaats in jullie hoofden geven die het verdient door jullie aandacht te vragen voor onderstaande toelichting. Let wel: het gaat hier om het meest...
Nuclear Disarmament – Toward a world free of nuclear weapons
The Wall Street Journal Mission Nuclear weapons today present tremendous dangers, but also an historic opportunity. U.S. leadership will be required to take the world to the next stage — to a solid consensus for reversing reliance on nuclear weapons globally as a...
Nuclear Disarmament – Toward a nuclear-free world
The Wall Street Journal Mission The accelerating spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear know-how and nuclear material has brought us to a nuclear tipping point. We face a very real possibility that the deadliest weapons ever invented could fall into dangerous hands. The...
World Peace Army – The dream of every child
‘EVERY CHILD IS A POTENTIAL GENIUS…’ Future for all Let us for one moment forget what we know, what we believe, the opinions we have. It has never been our ideas, our beliefs, our opinions that have directly shaped our world. The world has its own future. There are...
Social Development – 394 principles
Laws or Principles of Social Development (Definitions and Concise Expressions) 1. Social Evolution Social evolution is subconscious in the collective. - Collective is subconscious, the individual is conscious. - Subconscious collective, conscious individual. 2. All...
Uncommon Opportunities – Executive summary
The report examines the global issues of international security, employment, food and transition in Eastern Europe and identifies a range of `uncommon opportunities' that have arisen since the end of the Cold War to evolve lasting solutions to these problems. It...
Uncommon Opportunities – A call for leadership in thought that leads to action
The vision of opportunity presented in this report is based neither on blind hope nor on scientific projection. Mere wishing has no power to accomplish and science has not evolved far enough for projections with regard to the complex processes that govern global...
Uncommon Opportunities – Developing Human Resourcefulness
In the preceding chapters we have tried to draw attention to the uncommon opportunities that the world presents at the dawn of a new millennium for the abolition of war and the eradication of poverty. None will question the desirability of achieving peace, democratic...
Uncommon Opportunites – Transition Towards What?
The pace of human development continues to accelerate. The world has changed more during the present century than in the previous nineteen centuries combined economically, socially, politically, scientifically and technologically. In recent decades humankind has been...
Uncommon Opportunities – Food for All
The production of more food to meet the needs of a burgeoning population has been one of the outstanding global achievements of the post-war period. It has demonstrated the extraordinary capacity of humankind to meet a collective challenge of monumental proportions....
Uncommon Opportunities – Full Employment
Peace and democracy can provide only the foundation for stable and productive social life, not its fulfilment. For that, political security has to be complemented by economic security and a blossoming of individual and cultural potentials. Yet here our optimism seems...
Uncommon Opportunities – The Peace Imperative
The main prerequisite and condition for the fulfilment of the worlds many different potentials is peace. As democracy supports peaceful relations between states, economic prosperity and fuller development of people, peace makes possible the development of stable...
Uncommon Opportunities – The Next Millennium
The Next Millennium We are on the threshold of a new millennium. All civilizations have recognized the special significance of new beginnings the dawn of a new day, a new year, a new century. These are moments of new birth when fresh vision and greater energy are...
Uncommon Opportunities – The Origin and Context of ICPF’s Work
Looking back, it is astonishing how much the world has changed since the idea of establishing the International Commission on Peace and Food was first conceived in 1987. Who had the foresight to imagine the monumental changes which have so radically altered the...
Nuclear Disarmament – Obama speech
This morning in Prague, President Obama announced in the new nuclear weapons policy and strategy of the United States in significant detail. If any of us at the Zagreb General Assembly in October 2005 (or even October 2008 in Hyderabad) had even dreamed that an...
Glenn Doman – Evaluation without exams
Evaluation without exams by Aruna Raghavan In our schools we have no exams. And every one I meet asks the same questions. How do you mark your children? By percentage? By grades? Do you have unit tests? How do you average at the end of the year? And when I say we have...
Glenn Doman – Teaching Science to your child
Teaching Science to your child by Aruna Raghavan One of the best things in life have been given the impossible title 'physics'; and having given them that, we assiduously try to forget they exist. Yet, children discover most of the laws of nature and with great joy....
Glenn Doman – Emotional Growth
Emotional Growth by Aruna Raghavan They could each write only 5 sentences on each child. The first two should contain what they like best about the friend. The second two should contain one quality they would like to see changed or modified. The last any special...
Glenn Doman – Poetry and your child
Poetry and your child by Aruna Raghavan We are all Pygmalions. We like to make, remake, put our heads to a side, shake it and re remake our children. The perfect child is always the neighbour's until it lives with us for a week! If our child loves the rain, then we...
Glenn Doman – Integrate learning
Integrate learning by Aruna Raghavan At school here we had Kanimozhi, a precocious child of four and a first generation literate. She learnt with her whole being', giving her a unique prodigious 'memory'. She was like a bird, eager and chirpy. In a few months she...
Glenn Doman – The beauty of words
The Beauty of Words by Aruna Raghavan Every language is rich because man is constantly amazed by what he sees around him. It is a hard task to coin words to match the beauty in front. Yet, has man found words. And those words are the adjectives. To teach a child to...
Glenn Doman – Reading to your child
Reading to your child by Aruna Raghavan If reading is a pleasure, reading out aloud is an art. First, there is the choice of material. It should be of great interest to the listener. But more so the book should interest the person who reads aloud. Reading aloud to a...
Glenn Doman – Teaching the Five Senses
Teaching the Five Senses by Aruna Raghavan On his own, without interference from the adults around. A lady told him with great pride that she had not taught her 5 year old anything. The philosopher said, "Madam, you have wasted five years; go home immediately and...
Glenn Doman – Teaching Babies to Read
Teaching Babies to Read by Aruna Raghavan For two weeks now, I have been talking about our personal experience with teaching our own child and how we use the method with other children. The question that the reader has is: can I teach mine? So, here is an easy step by...
Glenn Doman – Reading: How Your Child Progresses
How Your Child Progresses by Aruna Raghavan Last week we began with a very simple reading program. We continue with it this week. But first : When we found that Nirupama could read effortlessly, we began with her writing. We found a miracle : she made no mistakes in...
Glenn Doman – Reading without being taught
Reading without Being Taught by Aruna Raghavan "And please bring Nirupama with you." That was an invitation to meet Shri C. Subramaniam when he was the Governor of Maharashtra. Nirupama was our three and a half year old who was taught by us at home : to read and to do...